Friday, February 26, 2010

Confg. WikiMedia


$sudo apt-get install apache2
$sudo apt-get install mysql-server
$sudo apt-get install php5 php5-cli
$sudo apt-get update (it may not necessary every time, once a time after ubuntu installations)

Installing MediaWiki :
Download MediaWiki :

  1. copy file into /var/www folder.

  2. Unzip zip MediaWiki file USING (tar -xzvf mediawiki-1.5.1.tar.gz) command

  3. rename it as wiki

  4. Open WEB browser like in the following pattern

  5. after then it will shows a page with message “please set up wiki” like this.

  6. Then setup the environment like (Wiki Name, Contact e-mail like....all

VPN SettingUp

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Monday, February 22, 2010

Free Surgery!!!!

Hi Friends

If you know anyone who has met with a fire accident or people who are born with problems / disabilities such as jointed ear, nose and mouth, please note they can avail free plastic surgery at Pasam Hospital, KODAIKANAL from March 23rd to 4th April 2010 by German Doctors.

Every thing is free. Contact Nos. 04542 - 240668, 245732

Sunday, February 14, 2010

My View points.....

To fulfill our ego ... we may start talk about other with a superlative idea ... some times your idea may damages other persons original character and position ... and event you can't rectify your word or sentence once it is defined by you ... so always we have to keep in our mind that .... ??? Fulfillment of Ego ---- some times it may very important to you... but the statements what we are going to define should be very constructive and realistic

My ViewPoints ....

Always your approach will defines your relationship with others .... and also the situations and natural circumstances will effects those relations... so finally If you feel that you are not suitable for a good relations or something .... just leave them as they were ? because always it's not possible to be the same as they were today ... and never try to re-examine those things....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Some of My View Points

In my observation everyone has a strong idea about “What is right? And What is Wrong?” …. But the basic problem in our real life activities and actions… it was so difficult to find that “Are we doing right or wrong?” in enduring stage, so why can't i define that indirectly we are hippocratics.

My View Points

In my perspective “First look – is the Best Look” is a most terrible statement. Because while you start interact with others you may change your opinions and ideas. In some situations your statements may seems that others are so good and some times it may be in a different view. So, my intention is don’t take (or) talk about a person in a single sentence. Summary was important rather than single sentence .