Thursday, December 9, 2010

పదహారణాల తెలుగు అమ్మాయి .... Tradition of India

All the customs and traditions of Sanatana Dharma have a perfect scientific basis.   Dr. Annie Besant opined, “ I have studied all the great religions of the world over the past 40 years. There is no religion comparable to Hinduism in greatness, perfection and rationalism.”

It is alarming that a number of convent schools in the country impose a ban on students in the country impose a ban on students wearing traditional Indian dresses and ornaments, and mete out punishment to student wearing them.

To wear traditional Indian ornaments is not a mark of fashion, but it is a type of therapy that plays a vital role in promoting good physical and mental health. Out ancestors were well aware of the impact of different metals on the human body. Not only this, metals have been used and are even now being used as medicines; for example calx of gold, silver, tin, iron, etc.

Ornament theraphy is practiced as a method of treatment in some other countries as well. Dr. Hardstone of the US has used metals and gems as a part of his Gem theraphy. France has also experimented in this field and met with success.

Scientific Basis of Ornaments

Anklet (Payal) : (1) Wearing of anklets (rings) or thick anklets made of pure silver around the anklets stops the inflammation of foot soles. (2) Provides protection against swelling of the heels. (3) Regulates peripheral blood circulation. (4) It helps patients of sciatica. (5) Activates lymph glands in the body and boosts immunity. (6) Is beneficial in gynaecological disorders like menstrual diseases, infertility, hormonal imbalance and abnormal conditions of obstetrics. (7) Regulates the flow of life force within the body improving health and looks and thus helps maintain health. (8) Helps in keeping sexual desires under check.

It is beneficial for women to wear silver ornaments below the waist. Ayurveda prohibits wearing Gold-ornaments below the waist.

Earrings: Piercing the ears has a great importance in Indian ethos. Indian physicians and philosophers believe that piercing the ears helps in the development of intellect, power of thinking and decision making faculties. Talkativeness fritters away life energy. Ear piercing helps in speech-restraint. It helps to reduce impertinent behaviour and the ear-channels become free from disorders. This idea appeals to the Western world as well, and so they are getting their ears pierced to wear fancy earrings as a mark of fashion.

Bracelet: Bracekets controls the sex-organs and keep sexual desires restrained. It also strengthens the heart and helps regulate blood pressure.

Armlet : It induces valour and helps to keep the body in shape. It keeps the digestive system in order and protects against allergies.

Necklace : Necklace made from a variety of gems and metals are useful in controlling a number of diseases. They have a beneficial impact on the thyroid gland and the respiration system.

Waist-chain : It activates the Mooladhar charka and improves efficiency of the kidneys and the urinary bladder, and gives relief from backache and other pains.

Ring : Rings made of pure gold are worn to augment energy levels, to prevent mental tension, to exercise control over reproductive organs and sexual desires, and to strengthen the digestive system. Rings made of different gems and metals have their own characteristic effects on the body.

An experiment conducted at the Canterbury Institute proved that keeping the navel, head, hands and feet covered, heightens the sense of security. The energies, flowing in the brain, pass through the space between the eyebrows. A tilak applied between the eyebrows, as Hindus do, preserves this energy. Iron rings are worn for preservation of energy in the feet.

Importance of Tilak

The space on the forehead between the eyebrows is the centre of the brain’s thinking faculties. The Yogis call it the Ajna Chakra. It is also termed as Lord Shiva’s third eye as it is the abode of noble thoughts. Application of sandalwood paste or vermillion as a tilak on this spot helps in nurturing the Ajna Chakra and the two adjacent glands; namely the pineal and the pituitary glands. This also develops intellectual power, vitality and the faculty of thinking. Therefore, application of a tilak is beneficial from both a scientific and spiritual point of view. That is why there is a custom in Hindu religion to apply tilak before starting any auspicious task.

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